New Year, New You?

I’m personally not a fan of new years resolutions. Firstly, they require willpower. But what is willpower?

‘The ability to control your own thoughts and the way in which you behave’ - Cambridge Dictionary.

If the above was easy, I wouldn’t have any clients!

Of course making change is possible, and some people do succeed by setting a goal and sticking to it. For others, it’s more complex and there are a few things that can get in the way.

We decide to make a change using our conscious mind (using willpower), this part of the brain is only in control around 10% of the time. If our subconscious takes over, it will take us back to previous patterns of behaviour, the comfortable known. (Hence where hypnosis helps, by making subconscious change). We want both parts of the mind working together to focus on the same goal.

The subconscious part of the mind is more likely to hijack us if we’re tired, hungry, stressed, anxious or generally emotional.

If we set ourselves too many changes to make all at once, or changes that are too big, we generally don’t achieve it.


  • Start small:

    Rather than trying to overhaul your entire life, set 1 small goal to master. For example- to start exercising twice per week could be a mini goal towards a larger goal of being fit & healthy. There may be many more changes to make but don’t overwhelm yourself by trying to start all of them on day 1!

  • Write it down:

    Studies show that if we write down a goal we are more likely to achieve it. Think meal plans, scheduling, journals etc.

    Review the goals regularly, what’s working? What could you do differently?

  • Make it a solution focused goal:

    For example, rather than focusing on ‘not eating chocolate’ or ‘not drinking alcohol’, focus on what you do what to do instead.

    That could be ‘eating healthily’, ‘buying more fruit’ or ‘joining an evening group’.

  • Get the subconscious involved:

    Use hypnosis to get that subconscious on board! When both parts of the brain agree that we are making a change we are more likely to succeed.


Underlying beliefs