Fears and phobias

If you have a phobia of spiders, you will know that even when you see a photograph of a spider, you have a physical reaction! You may jump, or get goosebumps from the adrenalin rush. This is because our brains can’t fully differentiate between imagination and reality.

When we use hypnotherapy to overcome fears and phobias we use this to our advantage. First we bring anxiety levels down, and reduce and diminish the chemical response using our imagination to rerun events such as a turbulent flight for example. Eventually our brain stops producing the chemical response, as if we are bored with it as we’ve been exposed to it so many times.

Next we use our imagination and hypnosis to rewrite the template by mentally rehearsing the situation going exactly as we’d like it to, with amazing results!

This process is usually 2-3 sessions, unless there is significant general anxiety which will usually require more.


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